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Conference Grants

Attending conferences offers a chance for students to meet and talk to leading experts in their area of biology as well as network with scientists in their field.

Royal Society of Biology - Travel grants

The aim of these grants is to give the opportunity of overseas travel in connection with biological study, teaching or research to those who would otherwise be unlikely to have it. The Early Career MRSB award is primarily for overseas conferences where the applicant is presenting a talk or poster.

External organisation grants

Conferences can be held annually and some member organisations offer conference grants or travel awards to support students in attending these. They are normally competitive and need to be applied for at least a month in advance of the conference.

Anatomical Society - Research Studentships 2023/24

The Anatomical Society offers a limited number of Research Studentships to be held in departments undertaking research in anatomical sciences in the United Kingdom and Ireland.For the fifth year the Society is reserving a studentship for an early career investigator. An ECI is a person with a lectureship or independent research fellowship who is within 12 years of being awarded a PhD, exclusive of career breaks and who has guaranteed employment for the duration of the studentship and who has not held an AS PhD Studentship before. The application will be judged according to different criteria than the regular studentship submissions with more emphasis on project design and training provided than on track record. The proposal will still have to meet the high standard expected.
Award: Funding is provided for three years to cover the stipend of the student, tuition fees, generous contribution toward project running costs, and a travel allowance for attendance at an Anatomical Society meeting in each year of the award and to one international meeting.
Application deadline: Deadline midnight Friday 18th August 2023.

Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB) - Conference Grants

To help postgraduate students, and others, attend ASAB conferences. Applicants must be ASAB members or have applied for membership.
Award: To provide a contribution towards the cost of accommodation and meals at the conference and the cost of travel to and from the conference, up to a maximum grant of £400.
Application deadline: Must be received by 1 March for the Easter meeting, 1 July for the Summer meeting and 1 October for the Winter meeting

Biochemical Society - Student Travel Grants

Available for you to attend a Biochemical Society Focused Meeting, Workshop, Annual Symposium, Young Life Scientists' Symposium or a Biochemical Society- supported Independent Meeting.
Award: See website for specific details
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines

British Mycological Society - Awards for Young Members (Under 25 Years Of Age)

The awards take the form of a voucher giving discount on the accommodation and other charges set out on any booking form for a meeting or foray of the society. Travel expenses will not be met.
Award: See website for specific details
Application deadline: Must be received at least 2 clear months before the meeting

British Pharmacological Society - BPS Grants

Provides bursaries and travel grants to support the attendance of undergraduate, postgraduate and post-doctoral members of the BPS at pharmacology-related symposia, conferences and meetings.
Award: Up to £2,500
Application deadline: Applications for funding are assessed three times a year. Deadlines for submitting grant applications are 31 January, 31 May and 30 September.

British Society for Neuroendocrinology - Student Travel Grants

To give travel money to enable postgraduate students to attend the annual BSN meetings in the UK.
Award: £150
Application deadline: After the annual meeting

Cyclamen Society - Cyclamen Society Grants

The Cyclamen Society Trustees have established this fund, worth £10,000 per year, to fund projects which will support the Society in fulfilling its aims to enhance our knowledge of the genus Cyclamen.
Award: Up to £5,000
Application deadline: 30 April

Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) - Grindley Grants

Finances travel to any academic conference relevant to the applicant's work that falls within the domain of EPS interests as defined by the content of the Society's journals.
Award: Limited to £500
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines

Laboratory Animal Science Association - Bursaries

For individuals who wish to attend meetings, conferences or for other travel (in which a substantial proportion of the activity must be devoted to science relating to the use, care and/or welfare of laboratory animals). Postgraduate students or those with limited funding are encouraged to apply.
Award: Up to £1000
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines

Microbiology Society - Scientific Conferences

Awards of up to £2,000 are available to members who wish to organise a conference in any field of microbiology, either independently or in partnership with another Society.
Award: Up to £2,000
Application deadline: 16 December and 12 June

Society for Applied Microbiology - Student Grants

For student members who would like to attend a Society meeting but cannot afford the fees or travelling expenses.
Award and application deadline: See website for specific details

Society for Applied Microbiology - Scientific Meeting Grant

The purpose of the Scientific Meeting Grant is to financially assist members to attend an appropriate applied microbiology scientific meeting.
Award: £300 to £600
Application deadline: Four weeks prior to the event

Society for Endocrinology - Society Grants and Awards

Society grants and awards support our members in a range of ways, including enabling them to attend scientific conferences, visit other labs and clinics, fund undergraduate summer placements, support early career projects or develop public engagement initiatives.
Award and application deadline: See website for specific details

Society for Experimental Biology - SEB Annual Meeting Travel Grant

Students and early careers scientists can apply for funding of up to £400 to attend the SEB Annual Meeting,
Award: Up to £400
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines

Society for Experimental Biology - Company of Biologists Travel Grant

The CoB travel grant supports students and early career scientists with travel to conferences, workshops, research trips and laboratory visits.
Award: £250 for travel within home country and £500 for overseas travel
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines

The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion - Uses and Abuses of Biology Grants

The aim of the programme is to investigate contemporary non-scientific uses and abuses of biological thought in philosophy, the social sciences, politics and theology. Grants will be awarded for a minimum of one year and a maximum of two years and will typically fund a postdoctoral investigator plus some research and conference fees.
Award: As requested
Application deadline: 31 October

The Adelphi Genetics Forum - Postdoctoral Travel Grant

This travel grant (one per year) will be available to outstanding postdoctoral researchers, normally within 6 years of receiving a doctoral degree, working in the field of genetics
Award: Up to £6000 p.a.
Application deadline: Ongoing and should be made to The General Secretary of the Institute, by email

The Adelphi Genetics Forum, The Birth Control Trust - Project

The Trustees of The Birth Control Trust of The Adelphi Genetics Forum invite applications for funding of projects designed to improve birth control and related matters, such as sexual health. These projects can be either in the UK or overseas in developing countries.
Award: Up to £10,000 p.a.
Application deadline: Ongoing and should be made to The General Secretary of the Institute, preferably by email

The Genetics Society - Junior Scientist Conference Grants

Grants to support attendance by junior scientists at conferences on research in genetics. The scheme has two streams: (A) to support attendance at meetings organised directly by The Genetics Society or sponsored by the Society as a Sectional Interest Group; and (B) to support attendance at non-Genetics Society meetings.
Awards: Up to £150 for Scheme A and £750 for Scheme B
Application deadlines: See website for details

The Leverhulme Trust - Research Fellowships

Funding for experienced researchers, in academia or as established independent researchers, to undertake research on a topic of their choice. Funding covers research costs, replacement teaching costs, or loss of earnings. Fellowships are offered for periods of 3 to 24 months, and must begin between 1st June 2016 and 1st May 2017. Approximately 90 fellowships are available in 2016.
Award: Up to £50,000
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines

The Leverhulme Trust - International Academic Fellowships

For established UK researchers to spend time in one or more research centres outside the UK, in order to develop new knowledge, skills and ideas. Fellowships are offered for periods of 3 to 12 months, and must begin between 1st June 2016 and 1st May 2017. Approximately 15 fellowships are available in 2016.
Award: Up to £40,000
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines

The Leverhulme Trust - Emeritus Fellowships

Providing research expenses of up to £22,000 over up to two years to enable senior researchers who have retired from an academic post to complete a research project and prepare the results for publication. The 2017 round opens on 5 September 2016.
Award: Up to £22,000
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines

The Physiological Society - Travel Grants

To attend and present at a scientific conference. (Please note: Undergraduates are not required to present work).
Award: See website for details
Application deadline: Submission deadlines are on the last day of each month. Applications must be received in advance of the deadline that falls at least one month before the event takes place.