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Workshop Resources

Resources from several HUBS workshops and events are available in our online resource library hosted at AdvanceHE. These include recordings of talks, presentation slides, and more.

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Previous news & events

BEN, BAG, and ECLBio Workshop: 'Bioscience Career Progression Through Pedagogy'

Tuesday 25 June 2024 | In-person (University of Bath)

The three HUBS supported networks: Bioscience Educators' Network (BEN), Bioscience Awarding Gap (BAG) and Early Career Lecturers' (ECL) came together to offer this one-day interactive workshop for bioscience colleagues at all stages of their career to reflect on their personal progression goals, consider opportunities for collaborative learning and teaching research and to seek inspiration from the wider bioscience network that we have available to us.

HUBS Workshop Series 2024: 'Enhancing effective and ethical engagement with AI: Preparing bioscience graduates for future workforce in AI led industry'

Friday 5 July 2024 | In-person (Roehampton University)

Roehampton University ran an in-person workshop which addressed the critical issues of AI and discussed the ways to prepare bioscience graduates for their employability by providing guidance to engage with it ethically and with integrity. An overview was provided of AI applications in bioscience research/industry and delegates explored the ways to equip graduates with practical skills for effectively engaging with AI technologies.

Participants learned how to be better prepared to engage with AI ethically and effectively to assist the students in their careers in bioscience. They also gained practical skills, ethical awareness, and a deeper understanding of the opportunities/challenges presented by AI in the bioscience workforce. Please download the programme for more information.

HUBS Workshop Series 2024: 'Developing My SoTL Project'

9 May 2024 | Hybrid (University of Leicester and online)

This event built on previous workshops to encourage participants to engage with Scholarly practice with sessions on developing questions and identifying appropriate methods for undertaking pedagogic research. A key-note will highlight the benefits and challenges of undertaking such research before participants will be given the opportunity to pitch their ideas to foster inter-university collaboration.

HUBS ECLBio Workshop 2024: 'Enhancing Student Engagement'

Monday 13th May | Virtual

ECLBio's online workshop focussed on digital engagement, widening participation, students as creators and work-based learning.

HUBS Workshop Series 2024: 'Intelligent Assessment in the age of AI'

14 May 2024 | Hybrid (University of Leeds and online)

The University of Leeds held a workshop on how we can improve teaching and assessment in the biosciences, in the new artificial intelligence (AI) age. The event was open to anyone involved in teaching the biosciences in a Higher Education setting.


HUBS Annual Conference: Future Priorities for Biological Sciences in Higher Education

29-30 April 2024 | Wellcome Collection, London

This conference included sessions on: Policy/Key Priorities, Learning and Teaching and AI in higher education.The meeting hosted the RSB/HUBS Higher Education Bioscience Teacher of the Year award presentation, and was a valuable opportunity to network with colleagues from across the sector. 

HUBS BAG Conference 2024

Took place on Thursday 18th April 2024 at Sheffield Hallam University

The theme for this year's meeting was ‘Inclusive Assessment'

Authentic assessment in biosciences: how to measure what matters?

16th April 2024 | Hybrid (University of East Anglia and online)

Led by the School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia

Teaching the Life Sciences In Three Dimensions

15 September 2023 | Face to Face (University of Birmingham)

The structure-function relationship in the Life Sciences Education. Student creation of 3D material for engaging and inclusive workshops, creating authentic assessments.

HUBS and HUCBMS Joint Workshop: 'Happy Staff, Happy Students: Mental Wellbeing for the Whole University Community'

June 20th 2023 | In-person (University of Edinburgh)

You can read the post-event report here

HUBS Learning & Teaching Workshop Series 2023: 'Practical Teaching in the Biosciences'

23 May 2023 | Face to Face (University of Sheffield)

You can read the post event report here

Developing Inclusive Pedagogies in the Biosciences

21 April 2023 | Face to Face (Kingston University) + Live-Stream option

The keynote speaker will be Professor Winston Morgan, Professor of Toxicology, Equity and Inclusive Practice at the University of East London. 

You can read the post event report here

What makes our feedback unsatisfactory? A safe place to discuss

19 April 2023 | Newcastle University

You can read the post event report here

HUBS Annual Conference: Future Priorities for Biological Sciences in Higher Education

20-21 March 2023 | Wellcome Collection, London

This two day conference will included sessions on: Future Priorities, EDI, and Teaching and Learning. The meeting also hosted the RSB/HUBS Higher Education Bioscience Teacher of the Year award presentation, and was a valuable opportunity to network with colleagues from across the sector.

HUBS and The Company of Biologists co-branded Workshop: 'Increasing the visibility and impact of your research'

23 Feb 2023 | Virtual (webinar)

The webinar will be chaired Malavika Legge, Program Manager, Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA), and speakers are as follows:
• Katherine Brown, Executive Editor, Development, The Company of Biologists
• Theo Bloom, Executive Editor, The BMJ and Co-Founder, medRxiv
• Claire Moulton, Publisher, The Company of Biologists
• Steven Vidovic, Head of Open Research & Publication Practice Library, University of Southampton

You can access a recording via this link 

HUBS and HUCBMS Joint Workshop: 'Remote Exams and EDI'

14 July 2022 | In-person (Aston University)

Registration for the HUBS/HUCBMS Joint Workshop at Aston University on Remote Exams and EDI
Remote exams are likely to remain part of the assessment mix of many departments going forward due to both pedagogic drivers and perceived resource efficiency. The workshop will include presentations and discussions. We will consider research addressing socioeconomic status and the experience of remote exams as well as the effects of digital poverty and learning differences. The computer sessions and discussions will allow us to share best practice at both local and institutional levels as to how to optimally deploy remote exams.

The workshop is free. Lunch and Coffee Breaks will be provided. We hope you can join us for some socialising after the workshop. Thursday, July 14, 10:00am-4:00pm Please register by July 1. Room details, access to Aston etc. will be provided to registered participants.  More information about this event can be found in the report.

HUBS Learning & Teaching Workshop Series 2022: 'Universities and Professional Bodies Working in Partnership to Decolonise the STEM Curriculum'

6 July 2022 | Virtual

There is a growing global call to ‘decolonise’ HE curricula, including within the STEM subjects. The aim of the decolonisation agenda is to tackle racial injustices by acknowledging that the way we teach and practice our science is white and takes a Eurocentric viewpoint and instead, adopt practices that promote a wider view of the world. Universities and Professional Bodies/Learned Societies have missions that speak to engaging in activities that benefit all life and cultures and therefore have a critical role to play in effecting educational change in this space. Whilst practical efforts are being made within the STEM areas, these are currently localised, in the main, within individual organisations. Thus the aim of this workshop is to bring together Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Professional Bodies/Learned Societies from the STEM disciplines (spanning biological sciences, chemistry, physics, engineering, ecology and geoscience) and to explore how we work in partnership to drive forward decolonisation of curricula in a more unified and impactful way. More information about this event can be found in the report


HUBS Learning & Teaching Workshop Series 2022: 'Exploring the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning'

25 May 2022 | Hybrid Event (Heriot-Watt University Riccarton Campus, Edinburgh)

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) underpins pedagogic research for academics in higher education. Pedagogic research draws from a range of disciplinary traditions which is both a strength and a weakness, as it is flexible in terms of how it can be carried out, but individuals from particular disciplinary traditions may struggle with some of the research methods and methodologies.

This workshop aims to explore the conventions of SoTL and pedagogic research, taking a research-informed approach to look at how we can develop our expertise, from taking first steps in teaching inquiry to developing work for presentation and publication.

This event will be a mix of invited presentations, discussion and examples of practice.

HUBS Learning & Teaching Workshop Series 2022: 'Fundamental Biosciences: What foundations do students need for success in their study of Biosciences?'

22 April 2022 | Virtual Workshop

This online workshop offers the opportunity for the Bioscience community to “define the fundamentals”: which skills and knowledge do all students need after their first year in an undergraduate degree?

The Awarding Gap in the Biosciences: How can we close it?

23 March 2022 | Virtual Workshop

This event, comprising invited talks and a panel discussion, will examine the characteristics of awarding gaps within the context of biosciences. It will also discuss practical examples of ‘what works' in closing these gaps, including the role of student-staff collaborations and reflections on engagement, teaching and assessment practices. In addition, this event will provide an opportunity to network and develop cross-institutional collaborations focused on eliminating awarding gaps.

HUBS Annual Meeting 2022

28-29 March 2022 | Francis Crick Institute, London

Registration is open for the HUBS Annual Meeting 2022, this two day conference will include sessions on: Knowledge Exchange, Enhancement of the PGR student experience, and Student Transition. The meeting also hosts the RSB/HUBS Higher Education Bioscience Teacher of the Year award presentation, and is a valuable opportunity to network with colleagues from across the sector.

HUBS ECLBio Workshop Series 2022: 'Build back stronger: Workshop on the continuation of good blended teaching practises and innovation'

14 January 2022 | Virtual Workshop

The workshop from the Heads of University Biosciences Early Career Lecturers in Bioscience group is for newcomers and relative newcomers to a university research and teaching career, but would benefit and is open to all. The workshop will focus on lessons learned during the pandemic and aims to share a range of good blended teaching practices and innovation that can be implemented into your bioscience teaching.

HUBS Bioscience Educators' Network (BEN) Workshop: 'Inspiring, developing, and supporting the future stars of Bioscience Education - Launch Event for Cohort 2'

15 September 2021 | Virtual Workshop

We are inviting applications to join the launch event for our second cohort of the national Bioscience Educators' Network (supported by Heads of University Biosciences (HUBS)). At this launch event in September, we will begin our next cycle of developing and supporting the future stars of Bioscience Education. Our Bioscience Educators' Network supports bioscience educators at all career stages through a sustainable network around career support, promotion and award nominations. More information about this event can be found in the report.

HUBS Learning & Teaching Workshop Series 2020: 'Re-imagining the first-year student experience'

16 July 2021 | University of Warwick

The School of Life Sciences will host a HUBS and Royal Society of Biology-sponsored meeting to develop ideas and strategies to inform our understanding of what makes for the best possible undergraduate bioscience first year.


HUBS and HUCBMS Joint Workshop: 'Co-creating assessments for the remote world'

4 June 2021 | Virtual Workshop

The transition to a blended model of education has challenged many of the existing pedagogic paradigms prevalent in Higher Education bioscience courses. It has also highlighted the need for flexible multi-modal assessments that simultaneously allow students to demonstrate learning outcomes whilst being robust, secure, and able to discern ability in a digital world. Typical of the immediate responses to remote working were staff-led adaptions to assessments intended to adequately differentiate ability through a variety of pedagogic (e.g. PBL questions) and remote proctoring.

This HUBS and HUCBMS Joint workshop proposes to ‘flip’ the narrative ‘and focus on the potential of students and staff working together to co-create authentic and applied bioscience assessments.


HUBS Learning & Teaching Workshop Series 2021: 'Teaching Biosciences in a Pandemic: what lessons did we learn?'

21 April 2021 | Virtual Workshop

With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown, higher education was forced to quickly adapt their practice to allow students to continue gaining the required knowledge and skills without leaving their homes.

A year on, this online workshop will encourage academics to reflect on the positive and negative implications of the changes in teaching and learning caused by the global lockdown. Also, it will initiate discussions around enhancement and innovation in teaching practices so we can prepare our graduates for the jobs of the future. More information about this event can be found in the report.


HUBS Annual Meeting 2021

12-13 April 2021 | Virtual Conference

The Heads of University Biosciences (HUBS) will be holding their annual conference online over two days, 12-13 April 2021. This two-day virtual conference is an opportunity to hear from diverse and influential voices in higher education, and will include sessions on:

  • The national research picture
  • The changing policy landscape
  • Closing awarding gaps in the biosciences
  • BAME awarding gaps
  • Covid-19 impacts on awarding gaps
  • Creating an inclusive environment in the Biosciences


HUBS ECLBio Workshop Series 2021: 'Scientific Outreach for the Early Career Lecturers'

19 March 2021 | Virtual Workshop

This two hours workshop is designed to cater for the specific needs of science colleagues who are (newly) appointed in Higher Education; from new lecturers, research focused academics, to postgraduate students and early-career researchers. The workshop brings together a line-up of award winning public engagement specialists as well as early carreer lecturers in biosciences that will showcase their experiences in communicating science to the larger public. More information about this event can be found in the report.


HUBS and HUCBMS Joint Workshop 2021: 'Robust online assessment and how to avoid plagiarism'

16 March 2021 | Virtual Workshop

Joint Biosciences Learning and Teaching Workshop 2021 on how to avoid plagiarism with online assessments. 


HUBS ECLBio Workshop Series 2021: 'Academic Publishing for Early Career Lecturers in Biosciences'

26 February 2021 | Virtual Workshop

Online webinar focused on academic publishing for early career lecturers and researchers in biosciences. This two-hour online webinar is designed to cater for the specific needs of science colleagues who are relatively newly appointed in Higher Education; from new lecturers, research focused academics, to postgraduate students and early-career researchers. More information about this event can be found in the report.


HUBS Learning & Teaching Workshop Series 2021: 'Inspiring, developing, and supporting the future stars of Bioscience Education'

24 February 2021 | Virtual Workshop

Career development and support for education focussed academics often lags behind that of researchers. This workshop will support bioscience educators at all career stages, by building a sustainable network around career support, promotion and award nominations. We will share best practice and encourage attendees to link their work in improving student outcomes to their own career development. We will also establish an on-going career mentorship network; delegates are encouraged to become a mentor or mentee or both so that the workshop can have lasting impact. More information about this event can be found in the report.


HUBS ECLBio Workshop Series 2021: 'New to Teaching Bioscience in Higher Education'

15 January 2021 | Virtual Workshop

This half-day, online workshop is designed to cater for the specific needs of science colleagues who are relatively new to teaching in Higher Education; from new lecturers, fixed-term teaching-focused academics, to postgraduate students and early-career researchers. The workshop provides an opportunity to discuss and share best practice in science education with other early-career academics and lecturers who have won awards for their teaching. More information about this event can be found in the report.


HUBS Learning & Teaching Workshop Series 2020: 'Enhancing Teaching and Learning Partnerships'

7 January 2021 | Virtual Workshop

Engaging students as partners in T&L continues to attract growing attention and critical debate, including in relation to enhancing the learning process itself and empowering students as T&L change agents. More information about this event can be found in the report.


HUBS and HUCBMS Joint Workshop 2020: 'Reimaging non-traditional Final Year Research and Honours Projects - Preparing graduates for the 21st Century workplace'

Additional dates added 7 July 2020 & 14 July 2020 | Virtual Meeting

This collaborative workshop focused on alternatives to the traditional final year research project. More information about this event can be found in the report.


HUBS Learning & Teaching Workshop Series 2020 : 'Closing Attainment Gaps in the Biosciences'

2 July 2020 | Virtual Meeting

In this workshop, a co-production between Royal Holloway and Kingston University, speakers shared their own effective practice and practical ideas for improving the outcomes of under performing demographic groups. More information about this event can be found in the report.


HUBS Annual Meeting 2020

20 - 21 April 2020 | Francis Crick Institute, London

*This event has now been cancelled, those who have already registered will be contacted with more information*


HUBS ECLF Workshop 2020: Research and Teaching

10 January 2020 | JBS Haldane Student Hub, UCL

A workshop event from the Heads of University Biosciences (HUBS) and the Royal Society of Biology for newcomers and relative newcomers to a university research and teaching career.

This one-day workshop event was designed to cater for the specific needs of bioscience colleagues who have reached a career stage in which they are called on to develop their own research programme while providing lectures and other university teaching but who are yet to (or have only recently been) appointed to substantive academic posts. More information on this event can be found in the report.


HUBS Learning & Teaching Workshop Series 2019: 'Work-integrated learning: Enhancing graduate employability'

18 September 2019 | Swansea University

The workshop focused on the three current predominant WIL strategies; module provisions and work-simulated learning, short four week credit bearing and volunteering placements opportunities and longer year-long industrial placements. For more information read the full workshop report.

Evaluation of employer engagement in curriculum design
Challenges with work-based credit bearing placements
Work-integrated learning: Enhancing graduate employability


HUBS and HUCBMS Learning & Teaching Workshop 2019: 'Overcoming barriers in chemistry teaching within the biosciences'

1 July 2019 | University of Bradford

The one-day workshop examined chemistry teaching challenges in biomedical and bioscience programmes in the UK and focused on overcoming disciplinary and technological barriers to improve chemistry teaching in bioscience and biomedical science (BMS) programmes. You can read more about this workshop in the report.

Workshop Introduction
Workshop Booklet
Barrier crossing with technology
Breaking barriers with extended reality
How to tackle the math problem
Teaching chemistry to non-specialists at the Open University


HUBS Learning & Teaching Workshop Series 2019: 'Building resilience in and out of the curriculum'

13 June 2019 | University of Edinburgh

This workshop considered the advantages, disadvantages and pitfalls of strategies to build resilience within and outwith the undergraduate curriculum. Further information can be found in the event report.

A selection of teaching resources from this workshop are available to view below.

Stress bucket
Resilience building
Resilience framework
Resilience research brief


HUBS Annual Meeting 2019

30 Apr - 1 May 2019

HUBS held their inaugural Annual Meeting 2019 at the Wellcome Genome Campus. The HUBS Annual Meeting 2019 included sessions on research, higher education policy, and teaching and learning in the biosciences. The full programme is available to view.


New to Teaching Bioscience in Higher Education

9 January 2019

This one-day workshop event catered for the specific needs of early career bioscience colleagues who have reached a career stage in which they are called on to provide lectures.


HUBS Learning & Teaching Workshop Series 2018: 'Minecraft in learning and teaching'

12 July 2018

This HUBS funded workshop explored how the popular game Minecraft can be used to support learning and teaching in the biological sciences in Higher Education.


HUBS Learning & Teaching Workshop Series 2018: 'Improving the transition to higher education in the biosciences workshop'

28 June 2018

This HUBS funded workshop was an opportunity to discuss ways to support and prepare students for the transition for further study.


HUBS Learning & Teaching Workshop Series 2018: 'Collaborative teaching and learning workshop: developing skills for the future'

21 June 2018

This HUBS funded workshop was run by the school of biosciences at the University of Birmingham and disseminated best practice and promotes critical discussion around the best ways to achieve effective collaboration for teaching staff and students. More information on this event can be found in the report.


HUBS Spring Meeting 2018

18-19 April 2018

The HUBS Spring Meeting focused on teaching and learning in higher education. This event was held in Leicester. The full programme is available online.


HUBS Early Career Lecturer Workshop 2018: 'New to Teaching Bioscience in Higher Education'

This HUBS-funded workshop catered for the specific needs of bioscience colleagues who are new or relatively new to university teaching. The full programme is available online.


HUBS Winter Meeting 2017

16 November 2017

This policy-focused conference explored widening participation and public engagement with science. It took place at the Natural History Museum, London and the full programme is available online.


HUBS Learning & Teaching Workshop Series 2017: 'Learning through games and play'

19 July 2017

This HUBS-funded workshop was held at the University of York. Further information can be found in the event report.


HUBS, HUCBMS and IBMS Joint Workshop 2017: 'Teaching maths to biologists using non-digital games'

30 June 2017

This hands-on workshop examined how games and play can help us teach the more numerical parts of the bioscience curriculum. Details of the event can be found in the event report.


HUBS Spring Meeting 2017

10- 11 May 2017

This two-day conference at Leicester explored digital teaching and learning in the biosciences, bioethics and current issues in higher education.