Inspiring interest in bioscience and the natural world is a key part of what we do. Read more about our expanding programme of events and outreach work.
Royal Society of Biology Strategic Plan 2019 - 2021
The RSB has published its latest strategic plan for the next three years, Biology Changing the World.
The most diverse of all the sciences, biology is evolving at a pace never seen before and has a central role in addressing our most pressing global challenges. In our latest strategic plan, we set out how the RSB will help to ensure a good supply of highly skilled biologists across the sector; support biologists’ careers, increase public engagement with biology, and inspire future generations to study life sciences.
Our full strategic plan features a welcome from our chief executive Dr Mark Downs CSci FRSB and our president, Professor Dame Julia Goodfellow CBiol FRSB. Alternatively, you find details of each specific strand of our work below, where we will also post updates on the impact our work is having.
Inspiring interest in bioscience and the natural world is a key part of what we do. Read more about our expanding programme of events and outreach work.
The RSB brings together views from across the life sciences into a unified voice to affect positive change. We are building on our reputation as a leading provider of evidence based advice.
We are providing more support and career development resources than ever, for biologists at all stages of their careers.
As well as growing our network and reach, we are making sure we are representative of modern bioscience and responsive to the evolving needs of the sector.
The finance, infrastructure, and strategic partners behind our latest business plan.
The RSB is committed to promoting inclusive, accessible and diverse participation in the life sciences. Read more about our work in this area.